Do you have Killer Fillers and are they murdering your message?

You might not even know it...

This hit home for me recently when I was working with a transcription of a recording from a senior level executive - a recognized thought leader and accomplished speaker.

In the course of 20 minutes, there was one phrase (which in the video was frequently accompanied by a physical tic) that this executive repeated more than 100 times! That's a lot per minute.

In this case, the Killer Filler was "you know" - but that's just one of the culprits. Others common fillers include:

  • starting with "So" or ending with "right?" on too many of your sentences

  • frequent "ums" and "ahs"

  • misuse of the word "like"

These phrases are usually habitual - you don’t even realize you are saying them. They can be extremely distracting for your listeners and REALLY show up in transcription. Even highly recognized media outlets will publish verbatim quotes such as, "So, I was like...". It's enough to make a communication expert cry out loud.

Don't let your Killer Fillers get away with murder - let me help you save your message, today!


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I hear typos